Welcome to Year 2
Miss Stothert and Mrs Butler - Class Teachers
Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Scales - Teaching Assistants
Spring Term
RE- Thanksgiving
Year 2 have been learning the actions for the "Holy Holy", they managed to learning all the words and designed actions to match.
In science, Year 2 have been testing the strength of materials. They had to work out how to make a material stronger, in this case we used paper to make a bridge. It was very exciting to see how many cubes it could hold before it collapsed.
Celebrating our new nursery!
Monday was very exciting for Mary Mags! We had Arch Bishop Malcolm in to bless us and our new nursery. The children sang our school song "All are Welcome" beautifully. In the afternoon, the children had the opportunity to look round the new nursery, and celebrated this special day with juice and a bun!
PE- Dance
Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed having dance with Louise this half term! Look at the amazing routine and skills they have developed to the theme "animals in their habitats".
Trip to the park
Year 2 have had a fabulous morning at Avenham and Miller park. The sun was shining and although it was cold, they soon warmed up after our walk. The children were impeccably behaved and were excited to see lots of features in the park which they have been researching this week in English. They even found time to play on the park, which had five star reviews all round.
This half term in PSHE, Year 2 are learning all about keeping healthy. This weeks focus was on keeping our teeth clean. The children learnt why it is important to look after our teeth and then we had a practice of cleaning our own teeth. They were very excited to clean their teeth and take their toothbrushes home.
This week in maths we have been learning to multiply and divide by 2. Miss Stothert brought in her socks to pair up. Then the children were able to count up the groups of 2 and use this to make our number sentences.
This week in science, year 2 have been experimenting with different materials to see if they can change shape. They stretched, squashed, twisted and bent lots of materials to see which was best. The PlayDo was definitely a popular choice!
This half term, year 2 have been lucky to have Louise for dance. They are fabulous and are enjoying learning a dance all about animals in their habitats. Here you can see a penguin sliding down a hill.
This week in maths the children have been exploring division. Division can be seen as sharing things into equal groups so we shared 42 sweets between 21 children. I wonder if you can work out how many they had each?
Year 2 have been amazing at sorting the materials out and describing their properties.
In computing, the children have been learning all about programming. There task was to create an algorithm so the BeeBot can successfully get to a given location.
Year 2 had lots of fun in the snow!
We have been looking at special books. We brought in our most special books to share with the class. We explained why it was special to us and got to enjoy them with our friends.
Autumn Term
Shine Star Shine! We were amazing last week in our nativity, remembering the true meaning of Christmas. We sung, danced and acted our hearts out and everyone was very proud of us. I think the West End is the next stop for some of us!
In RE we are learning about how Christians prepare for Christmas. Today we looked at the Advent wreath. We learnt all about the candles and what each one symbolises and then we had a go at making our own. This was tricky as we had to work together to read and follow a set of instructions ... but it will help us with our English as soon we will be writing our own set of instructions!
Christmas Crafts
Thank you to all those who attended the Christmas craft morning, the children (and parents) had a fabulous time!
In RE this week we have been learning about Judaism. We have learnt all about the Sabbath and Shabbat. We even got to try some Challah bread. It was really yummy!
In preparation for writing our own Twisted Tales we have been doing some research on some fairy tale classics.
To learn more about our topic microhabitats and to develop our Super Science skills. We have made a wormery for our class. We are now going to be observing to worms to see what they do in the soil!
On Monday, we received a very strange letter and a suitcase was left in our classroom! We put on our detective hats to try and work out who left them both. We had lots of brilliant ideas, but they definitely from Fairy Tale Land!
We have really been enjoying reading stories in our new outdoor classroom!
Today we have been 'Brightening up for CAFOD.' We all brought in some money, wore bright clothes and even brought a bright tin for our local foodbank. We have learnt all about the fantastic work CAFOD does and together we designed our own people who "brightened up" for CAFOD.
This half term in English we have been looking at the story The Way Home for Wolf by Rachel Bright. We started off by thinking all about Wilf and how he was feeling and thinking during the story. Then we looked at real life Wolves and wrote a fact file about them. We were then able to choose our own animal to research! We made a fact file about them too! Inspired by our class text, we wrote our own stories with our researched animal as the main character. We even got to turn them into books. Here's some of our work.
Last week in maths, we were practicing ordering 2-digit numbers. Here we are playing greater than/ less than.... or as it's more commonly known higher or lower.
With Year 6 being away, Phil kindly offered us an extra PE session. We really enjoyed practicing our curling skills. Next stop... Winter Olympics 2026.
In art we have been looking for patterns in nature. So we went outside and we found out that they are everywhere!
This week in science we have been learning about life processes. To help us remember them we came up with some actions.
Guess which this is: sensitivity, growth, movement, reproduction, nutrition or excretion.
We started the year practicing our handball skills, we really enjoyed it and can't wait to try it again!
Summer Term
Gullivers World
Explorer Day
Morning sports day games
Spring Term
In our RE lessons this half term we have learnt about the different parts of a Mass at the important stages that take place each time. He we are learning about Communion and the significance of it.
After working hard to design and construct our own vehicles, we tested how well they worked using different ramps around the classroom. We the evaluated our vehicles, thinking about what we could or would change if we repeated the task again.
We used role play in our English lessons this week, thinking about what the characters in the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch might say to each other. We they used these ideas to write our own speech bubbles.
We have continued to used our sketching skills to draw pictures of lighthouses. We looked at a variety of photos, sketches and paintings online before creating our own designs.
World Book Day
We enjoyed a day of activities about the book The Colour Monster.
We have been learning about division this week. We practically worked together dividing our class into different groups of children.
We have been enjoying Dance sessions in PE this term. We worked with Louise to create a dance all about lighthouses!
We have worked hard this week to identify, name and talk about the properties of a variety of different 3D shapes.
Autumn Term
In Art lessons we have looked at different landscapes found in Scotland.
We identified different features within the landscapes including mountains, rocks and water. We then carefully sketched our own versions of our chosen landscapes.
In PE we have worked hard to carefully improve our ball skills, in particular under arm throwing. We have learnt to throw to targets accurately and have enjoyed playing team games.
Olympic gymnast Daniel Purvis came to school to visit us!
Our whole school had an assembly with him, which was very interesting. We learnt all about how he became a gymnast and how he continues to succeed and stay healthy in his life each day.
We also completed circuit activities with Daniel, look at the photos below to see us in action!
French Languages Day
Today we enjoyed learning how to pronounce some of our favourite foods in French and also enjoyed taste testing different varieties of delicious croissants from Lunko.
In Geography lessons we have been learning to name and locate the 7 continents and 5 main oceans. We have used maps and globes to help us identify different parts with growing independence.
In our Maths lessons we have worked very hard learning about the place value of different numbers.
We have used base ten to identify and create different two digit numbers, used part-whole models to partition numbers and practiced counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.