PE Days
Monday - Swimming
Thursday - Sports with Phil
Carol Concert
Year 4's carol concert was amazing, all the children did very well and sang beautifully. It was lovely to welcome parents to the school to celebrate with us.
RE - Prayer and Liturgy
Year 4 concluded their RE topic on Baptism by inviting parents to join us in Prayer and Liturgy where we discussed what it means to be called or chosen.
Science - Electricity
Year 4 have begun their electricity topic and have spent time learning about and making circuits.
Trip to Cuerden Valley Park
Year 4 have had a great day at Cuerden Valley Park learning all about rivers.
We examined creatures that live in the river, tested the speed of the river by racing ducks and we panned for crystals.
Ancient Greeks
We have been learning about the Ancient Greeks this half term and have been examining some Greek artefacts.