Kindness raffle18 December 2020 (by Claire McKinnon) |
Happy Christmas
Christmas started early for Liz Tabahmelasvili, Jacub Kay and Charlotte Brown who were the winners of £25, £20 and £15 vouchers for WH Smith in the kindness raffle. These vouchers were kindly gifted to school by Peter Tennyson. There were three nominees from each class. Other nominees won a small prize from myself: Arthur Hobourn, Alice Anjelkovich, Jessica Harrison, Henry Morville, Charlie Pays, Ava Smith, Austin Burgess, Jessica Whittaker, Harry Acton, Alicia Maduka, Finlay Tate, Hannah Tassiker Quick, Christian Bly, Ethan Cavill, Aleksandra Lesniewska, Lily Taylor, Oliwia Rugala and Isaac Hardacre. I also nominated Maisy Carr for the raffle as she helps me wipe the Year 3 tables every day. There are a couple who forgot to collect theirs after assembly today, do not worry I will not forget.
Happy Christmas Everyone and thank you for all your generous presents and kind words.