Year 3 RE3 May 2021 (by Victoria Woosey) |
Year 3 are working really hard in the current RE topic ‘Energy’.
We used drama techniques to help us to understand how the Disciples must have felt when Jesus died. The children then produced some powerful pieces of writing that were so emotive.
We then learnt how the coming of the Holy Spirit helped the disciples to feel ‘alive’ and ‘energised’ and ready to go out into the world once again. As a class, we developed a rich word bank to reflect the transforming power of the spirit. We created windmills covered in these words. Some children even managed to harness the wind’s energy and ‘energise’ their sails... just as the Holy Spirit ‘moved’ the disciples to act so many years ago.
Fabulous work boys and girls!
Please see lots more photos on our class page.