Year 6 Food Tech8 November 2021 (by Sarah Bradley (Sarah Bradley)) |
An Autumnal Treat
What a great way to start the week off.
This half term, we have been studying islands and we wanted to tie our food and design lessons in with this theme. In previous years, we have chosen to make sushi, based on Japan. However, this year, we decided to focus on an island much closer to home. In actual fact, an island which we inhabit - Great Britain.
We used a range of food items, which have all been grown or produced in Great Britain: apples, cheese, sour cream, biscuits and condensed milk/ caramel. Using these items, we put our own spin on the bonfire treat and we made a toffee apple cheesecake. We did this by firstly carving the apple and cooking it in the oven, before filling it with lots of delicious and creamy flavours, including a ginger nut layer, a caramel layer and a cheese cake mixture on top.
The children absolutely loved their autumnal treats and were keen to go home and share their recipe with their parents. Thank you to parents for sending in a £1 donation for this. We really appreciate it!