We will remember them11 November 2021 (by Claire McKinnon) |
St Mary Magdalen's remembers
At 11am today the children gathered on the playground and observed a minute's silence to remember the fallen. Across the classes this week and in our displays we have paid tribute to all who gave their life for our freedom. As always remembered the heroes in our own families and Father Gerard Barry, former parish priest of St Mary Magdalen's who lost his life in WWII. The family and friends of Father Barry are grateful that he is always remembered by us and the children have heard this week first hand in a letter what a kind man he was. In the true spirit of Father Barry, Peter Tennyson, a family friend, writes to me regularly and follows the progress of the school. This year has has kindly given £20 to each class in Father Barry's memory. We are going to use this money to buy creative resources for lunchtimes. We are very proud of Father Barry and his connection to school and we will use his life as an example of how to live ours.