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Fairtrade Assembly 9 March 2015 (by Claire McKinnon) |
Year 6 lead the way in demonstrating why we need to buy Fairtrade
Fairtrade Assembly
Fairtrade Fortnight happen every March and we use that time to reflect on why we should support Fairtrade products. We learn about the impact Fairtrade has on families and communities across the world.Each class did some work on Fairtrade and Year 6 treated us to a drama sketch which graphically demonstrated how Fairtrade farmers get a fair price for their product. Without Fairtrade the farmer in the story did not have enough money to feed and clothe his family. This was because the importers, exporters, ripeners and shop keepes were squeezing him out of the profit share. Once he joined a Fairtrade organisation he found that not only could he feed and clothe his family well but he had access to schools, hospitals and clean water.These were funded by the Fairtrade Premium which goes directly into the community. Thank you Year 6, you really made us think. All of the children left the assembly determined to nag their parents when they go to the supermarkets,to buy Fairtrade goods. Thank you to Jack for being game enough to dress as a giant banana to make sure we don't forget the assembly in a hurry.