Year 4 - busy couple of weeks11 November 2023 (by Cassie Greaves (Cassie Greaves)) |
We've had a busy couple of weeks in year 4 looking at stories with issues and dilemmas, designing our calendars, discussing what it means to be chosen and finding out how information is shared on the internet.
In literacy we have been looking at stories with issues and dilemmas, we watched a short film about a dragon slayer, have enjoyed The Balaclava Story by George Layton and have written our own moral and immoral ending to a short story.
We have also been learning about expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials in preparation for writing our own story with an issue and a dilemma. This will be focussed on our class novel, Beasts of Olympus - The Beast Keeper by Lucy Coats.
In art we have been using natural materials to create our calendar, the children did a wonderful job.
In history this week we have learned about remembrance day and have written our poems and we have also participated in a music history lesson all about the Beatles.
Thank you for sending torches in on Friday, the children enjoyed looking at all of the different types of torches and discussing who would use them.