Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

  1. News
  2. Year 4 - Art

Year 4 - Art

10 May 2024 (by Cassie Greaves (Cassie Greaves))

Year 4 children have been building bird nests.

Over the past few weeks in art, Year 4 have been exploring formal drawing and sculpture skills like line, mark making, shape form, balance and structure, but just as importantly exploring how it feels to make art and to know that there is no wrong or right in art.

We have looked at the work of artist Marcus Coates and explored drawing with different materials to create different styles of birds nest. Our final project was to create our own birds nest, we looked at how birds make nests, created a frame out of chicken wire and took to the field to find materials to make our nests. The children did a wonderful job. 

Finally, the children chose how to display their work on the playground and we looked at everyone's work, critiquing them.