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- Being Good Samaritans
Being Good Samaritans22 November 2017 (by Claire McKinnon) |
Year 3 class assembly
Thank you to Year 3 for a beautiful class assembly this afternoon. They have been studying fables in literacy and acted out the Hare and the Tortoise for us. Parables are like fables because they teach us how to live our lives so they then retold the story of the Good Samaritan. Finally Year 3 encouraged us to reflect on how we can all be like the Good Samaritans and help those in need by supporting our CAFOD gifts project this Christmas. Please encourage your children to write one card to all the children and donate the rest of the money that you would have spent on Christmas cards to the CAFOD project. Each class will add up their totals and choose the gifts they would like to donate to those in need. Thank you.