£1092.20 - Incredible!28 September 2018 (by Victoria Woosey) |
Yet again, our Macmillan Coffee Morning has broken all records with such a phenomenal total. Huge thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this morning great.
Our parents, grandparents, members of the PTFA, the kitchen staff and even teaching staff (on their day off) came to help make sure that things ran smoothly.
£950.07 was raised across the week through the class puzzles, the raffle and the coffee morning. As a result of so many of you Gift Aiding their donations, a further £142.13 will added to our total by the Government making this wonderful grand total. Thank you for all the cake donations and thank you also to everyone who attended. Your money will make a huge difference to the lives of so many. Photos will follow soon on the website.