Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

  1. News
  2. Easter Bonnet Parade

Easter Bonnet Parade

23 April 2019 (by Claire McKinnon)

Creative Easter Extravaganza

The children looked magnificent in their Easter bonnets this morning.  The skill, care and throughtfulness that had gone into the making of the hats made it very hard for judges to decide on winners.  Thank you Mrs Burows, Mrs Heaton and Mr Gaughan for doing the difficult job of judging, we know it is not easy to pick.  All the children who took part got a chocolate treat. We know they will have been very short of chocolate treats recently, ha ha.

Thank you Mums and Dads for encouraging your children to take part and for putting up with the mess that was no doubt caused. We had to rush and buy more treats as there were more children than ever taking part this year.  Fantatsic way to start the new term.

There are more pictures in our gallery on the website.