What a Wonderful Day!23 May 2019 (by Claire McKinnon) |
Sports Day Sunshine
All of our pupils were a real credit to themselves on Sports Day. The juniors raced in the morning whilst the infants took part in the team skills events. In the afternoon it was the turn of the infants to race whilst the juniors did their best to win team points for their house in the skills events. Throughout the day we saw so many examples of good sportsmanship and fantastic effort. The highlight of the day was a house relay with a girl and boy from each year group racing their hearts out. Congratulations to the winning house, Benedict. All day we were massively helped by ex Mary Mags pupils in Year 9 at All Hallows so thank you very much to them. Thank you the PTFA who sold drinks all day and to all the staff who worked so hard all day to make today a success. Thank you to all the parents who came along to support their children and enjoy lunch in the sunshine, I am sure your children made you proud today. The biggest thank you goes to Mrs Woosey for organising the day with such military precision; it takes hours of hard work and we really appreciate the lovely day you put together for us.
Finally, a quick reminder that tomorrow is own clothes day, please send chocolate for the Summer Fair bola.