School Mass to 'Welcome the Start of the New School Year'18 September 2019 (by Victoria Woosey) |
Thank you to Father Roy for celebrating Mass yesterday afternoon for the pupils and staff in Years 1 - 6. Well done to the children who listened carefully and behaved respectfully.
Well done to the Year 6 children who read with confidence and to the children involved in other ways - by serving or carrying the gifts up during the offertory. It was lovely to see parents and grandparents and I am sure that they were all impressed with the heartfelt answers that the children gave. Father Roy was very pleased at how enthusiastic and knowledgeable the children are.
From next week, the children will start attending the 9.30am Wednesday morning Parish Mass as a class. The classes will take turns and will become more involved in the different aspects of the Mass as the year progresses. Please look on the website calendar for when your child's Mass is and please come along if you are able to - it would be lovely to see you there.