The Liturgical Year.21 January 2020 (by Victoria Woosey) |
As part of our RE topic on Journeys, we are learning about the Liturgical Calendar and the seasons in the Church year.
Father Roy kindly invited us to go to Church to learn more about why different colours represent the seasons and to look at the different vestments that he wears throughout the Church year. We learnt that purple is worn in Advent and Lent, white and gold are worn on Christmas Day and Easter Sunday, red is worn on Good Friday, Pentecost and on the Feast Day of a Martyr.
Father also told us about how green is worn in Ordinary Time, a time that links all the Church year together and a time for us to grow closer to God through our actions.
Whilst we were there, we also said hello to Dorothy - the Sacristan and had our photo taken with her.