Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Preschool
    What a wonderful first day we had at preschool, we enjoyed our first story sack, Commotion in the ocean, looking at animals which live on the land and in the water. We went for a play down in the garden which all the children enjoyed.
  • Year 4
    We've been busy making circuits in Science today.
  • Preschool
    So our first year of preschool is over, thank you to all the children and parents, Jenni and I have loved watching the children grow, we look forward to seeing them in September when they come back all ready for reception class
  • Preschool
    Using our wheels
  • Preschool
    We helped year R release the butterflies into the garden.
  • Preschool
    Todays story was little red hood, like red making food we made cheese and ham sandwiches, making a list of all the things we would need. We got to eat them in the garden. 
  • Preschool
    We read all about wizards this week, making a list of interesting items to go in our couldren, to make our spells work we needed wands, great wizard work pre school. 
  • Preschool
    This week's story was all about counting to 10, we working in the garden finding numbers andd matching the correct amout of stones to the numbers. The children did some great work, they will be so amazing in their year R class. 
  • Preschool
    We had a great morning in the garden, searching for hidden numbers and matching them to the correct amaount of spots, we played on the equipment, and used letters to make our name sounds. We then had a go at hop scotch, great hopping preschool. 
  • Preschool
    World book day
Showing 171-180 of 336