Buller Avenue, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9QQ

01772 742351

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School

Nurturing hearts and minds

St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School News

The latest news stories from St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Noah's Challenge
    How to get in shape!
  • Ethan's challenge
    Cycling the Guild Wheel
  • Y2 Albi's working hard
    Albi wants to share some of his home-schooling activities. He has been working on his handwriting with letters to his Grandparents & cousins. He has also done one for a pirate too, to put in a bottle & hide on his holiday!
  • Year 4 Freezing Experiment
    Harry carried out his own investigation at home to see how quickly his freezer could freeze water.
  • Y4 The Lost Sheep
    Ethan has produced an excellent map showing a life's journey for somebody who may be 'lost' but wants to be found.
  • St Mary Magdalen's Virtual Sports Day
    A great big THANK YOU to all of our fabulously sporty children who have sent in their videos and photos to help us celebrate our 1st ever (and hopefully last) St Mary Magdalen's Virtual Sports Day.
  • Y2 Lily's Monsters
    Alongside doing daily maths and literacy, Lily has been busy writing a story called 'Dangerhouse', making tissue box monsters, reading Mr. Stink and practising her times tables.
  • Virtual Sports Day
    Thank you for all of the fabulous videos and photos of the children enjoying their sporting activities.
  • Y2 - Oliver's football research
    Oliver wanted to show everyone the work he did this week on his favourite football player Cristiano Ronaldo. He had a look on Wikipedia about his life/career and made rough bullets points before writing it out neatly.
  • Y2 - RE
    Harry has been thinking about peace and how to make the world a better place.
Showing 1351-1360 of 2342